
Man checking their phone

Applications open in September

See what was involved last year, then check for updates in September

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Applications open in September

Last updated: 21 May 2024

Applications are due to open in September for courses starting in autumn 2025.

You can register an account to get a feel for the website but it isn't possible to start an application until then.

The information on our website relates to the current application cycle. This will be updated in September for courses starting in autumn 2025, so please check again as some information will change.

The annual cycle of deadlines follows a similar pattern each year. For dates for the current cycle please see:

Application > Dates to remember

For sample copies of the Application and Suitability Statements for information please see:

Application > Start your application

Applications closed in November

Last updated: 24 November 2023

Applications closed at 1:00pm (UK time) on 22 November 2023.

If you applied on time, login to check your documents and Suitability Statements.

Application > Documents

Application > Suitability Statements

Updating equal opportunities monitoring

Last updated: 14 November 2023

We are reviewing the categories used in equal opportunities monitoring, to bring them up-to-date. The review involves consulting with relevant stakeholders as appropriate, and we welcome your feedback as part of the process.

Please see the Equal Opportunities section for further details:

About us > Equal Opportunities Overview

Funding Eligibility

Last updated: 10 October 2023

Have you already done NHS-funded training?

If you have already received NHS funding for training in the psychological professions you may not be able to apply this year. See our Entry Requirements section for links to further details:

Application > Entry Requirements


You need at least a 2 year gap between finishing your previous NHS-funded training and starting NHS-funded clinical psychology training. This is a Health Education England (HEE) requirement.

Examples of psychological professions training which may be funded by the NHS in England could include (amongst others): Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner; Clinical Associate in Psychology; etc. The HEE website has a fuller list.


In line with training programmes in England, the Welsh clinical psychology programmes will not be able to consider applications from candidates who have received and/or completed a training programme funded by NHS training bodies in any of the devolved nations within the last two years.

Please see the link above for more details.


NHS Education Scotland (NES) funds the following psychological training:

  • MSc in Applied Psychology for Children and Young People at the University of Edinburgh
  • MSc in Psychological Therapy in Primary Care run jointly by the Universities of Stirling and Dundee
  • NES Enhanced Psychological Practice (EPP) programme

You must wait at least 18 months from when you first enrolled on these courses before you can submit a clinical psychology application and you cannot apply if you are currently enrolled on any of these courses. This is an NES requirement.

New website - responding to you

Last updated: 1 September 2022

Welcome to our newly designed website. It's more user-friendly, easier to navigate and more flexible, so you can focus on what matters to you: giving your best in your application!

Thank you to all those who participated in our user surveys and focus groups earlier this year. We've been working hard since then to respond to your requests and we hope you enjoy using our new site.

More user-friendly

You asked for the website to be more user-friendly and we've responded in various ways, such as:

  • more use of images
  • making the site more accessible by mobile
  • making it easier to draft your answers within your application
  • making it easier to see which sections of your application are complete and which you still want to work on
Easier navigation

You asked for easier navigation and more "bite-size" information, to speed up finding what you need.  Here are some examples of how we've worked on this:

  • improved navigation around the guidance information on the site
  • worked with Course Centres to provide an easy-to-read summary of the key information for each course
  • smoother movement between the pages of your application and the guidance information on the site
  • improving the journey through the pages of your application so you can quickly access the section you want to work on
Flexible document options

Both applicants and Course Centres asked for more flexibility in providing documents with applications. We have responded by:

  • asking Course Centres to provide information for applicants about the documents they need
  • giving applicants the option to upload additional documents as required by the Course Centres they have chosen
  • Clearing House staff will continue to check the GBC document that applicants provide, as this is required by all Course Centres

If you have any feedback on our new website please let us know.  You can find our email address on the Contact Us page.

New website - a fresh start

Last updated: 1 September 2022

We encourage you to take the opportunity with our newly designed website to start your application afresh. If you've applied before, why not take a "blank page" approach and clear out the clutter this year!

You can of course continue to access your older application at our previous website should you need to, e.g. you may find it useful to download documents you have used before.

You can login at the address below and your application from last year will be on the first screen you see. Any applications from previous years are in the Archive section:

If appropriate, your referees can also access any references they have written for you before, by logging into our previous website.

We wish you the best of luck with your new application!

Last updated:

21st May 2024