Dates to remember

Man checking their phone

Applications open in September

See what was involved last year, then check for updates in September

Find out about applying
Links about Dates
Starting your Application Applications open during September 2023
Apply early and save! Submit your Application and pay the processing fee by 25 October 2023 to save £10.
Submitting your Application The closing date is 1:00 pm (UK time) on 22 November 2023


References / Suitability Statements
Links about Dates
Submitting Suitability Statements Suitability Statements are due by 6 December 2023
Have we got your Suitability Statements? You can login to check on your application Overview page


Links about Dates
Upload your documents as soon as you can If you don't have the required documents before the deadline, please submit your Application in time then provide the documents as soon as you get them.
After submission:
  • email GBC documents and/or IELTS results to us
  • upload course specific documents to your Application
Releasing applications We release all applications to courses by 31 January 2024


Links about Dates
Short-listing Tests etc are held from December to Mid-March.
Courses inform* applicants for NHS places if they have been short-listed or not by 15 March 2024.
Interviews Interviews for NHS places are between 18 March and 24 May 2024.
Courses send results of interviews* for NHS places by 31 May 2024.
Offers and reserve lists Applicants must respond to offers of NHS places by 2:00 pm (UK time) on 7 June 2024.


When do courses start?

The exact starting date varies from centre to centre but all courses start between early September and mid-October and have only one intake per academic year.

*Check your Junk/Spam email

Your email software may treat emails from the Clearing House or from courses as junk or spam, so please check your Junk Email folder and/or Spam Email folder regularly.

Last updated:

5th September 2023