After you apply

The Clearing House does not make decisions about who is successful at each stage of the selection process: this is done by the courses, but we wish you the best of luck!

Have your contact details changed?

Update your Application - before or after submission

If your email address changes please update this on the My Account page (via the Change Password link).

If your contact details change please update these in the Your Details section.

This updates our records and, if your Application has already been released to the courses, they will automatically be informed as well.

After you submit your Application

After submitting your Application you will see:

  • a list of the course centres you have applied to
  • your application is Not released to course centres (see section below about Releasing Applications)
  • the Confirm Action button is only relevant after your Application has been released (see section below about Withdrawing Your Application)
  • if you have not yet paid your processing fee you will see information about payment.

After you submit your Application you will be asked to pay the processing fee and given details of when payment is due. It can take up to 24 hours to match payments to applications. So if you have paid your fee and when you login the next day this is still not showing:


GBC document

We will check your GBC document to ensure that it covers all the information required. If you submit your Application in the two weeks before the closing date it may not be checked until after the Christmas break, because so many applications are submitted at that time:

If we need to we may contact you about your Application, usually by email. Your email software may treat our emails as junk or spam, so please check your Junk/Spam Email folder(s) regularly.

If we contact you please respond promptly as we may not be able to release your Application to the courses until we hear from you.

Other documents

If a Document for Specific Course Centres is missing you can upload it after you submit your Application and, if necessary, after your Application has been released to the courses. Please do not email it to us as we cannot upload it for you.

Please upload documents as soon as possible to ensure course centres have them for their selection process:

Releasing Applications

We will release your Application (with the Suitability Statements) to the courses as soon as practical after:

  1. we have checked your GBC document
  2. your nominees have submitted both of your Suitability Statements
  3. you have paid your application processing fee in full

Your application will change from "Not released to course centres" to:

  • Application released to course centres:
    this gives the courses access to your Application to begin their short-listing process (see Next Page below for more information).

We will also email you to let you know that your Application has been released. Your email software may treat our emails as junk or spam, so please check your Junk/Spam Email folder(s) regularly.

We release applications to the courses in batches of approximately 100.

The first batch is usually released in November when enough applications are fully paid for and have both Suitability Statements.

The final batch will be released on 31 January 2025.

Withdrawing your Application

Once your Application has been released to the courses you can withdraw it if you need to:

  • login to your application
  • choose Withdraw for the appropriate course(s)
  • click Confirm Action

Confirming will automatically inform the course(s) concerned.

You cannot use this to replace one course with another e.g. if you originally applied to four courses and you withdraw from one, your application will only be considered by the remaining three courses.

The Clearing House can accept no responsibility for errors in the handling of applications howsoever caused. By accepting your application we are not confirming your eligibility for entry to courses.

Last updated:

2nd September 2024