Graduate employment

Completion and employment rates

Clinical psychology training has excellent completion rates and graduates have excellent rates of employment.

Completion rate for trainees

  • The national non-completion rate for NHS trainees for the academic year 2022/2023 was only 0.7%, which includes all forms of non-completion.
    This is in line with the rates for the previous 10 years which were between 0.4% and 1.0% each year.

Employment rate for graduates

  • For people completing NHS training in 2023, of those who returned data 94.0% were employed as a clinical psychologist (or an equivalent post) within 12 months of graduating.
    This is in line with the rates for the previous 10 years which were between 92.0% and 97.0%.
  • Of those working as clinical psychologists (or an equivalent post) 98.6% were working in the NHS or in other public sector funded posts.
    This is a little higher than the rates for the previous 10 years which were between 92.3% and 98.2%.

Last updated:

2nd September 2024