University of Birmingham

Centre for Applied Psychology (CAP) | School of Psychology | College of Life & Environmental Sciences

Course code:


Course length:

3 years (full-time)


You can email any enquiries after checking all 6 pages below, which cover most FAQs

Administration email:

[email protected]

Entry requirements

Who can apply

We accept applications from Graduates, subject to our minimum criteria listed below.

We consider applications from applicants with overseas fees status for a small number of places (dependent on availability/resource each year) – these applications are made directly to the University and not via the Clearing House.

We are not able to accept applications from Undergraduate students.

We are not able to accept applicants already enrolled on other postgraduate programmes unless these are due to be completed prior to the start of the ClinPsyD (September 2025).

We are not able to accept applicants who have recently received NHS funding for other training in line with Health Education England (HEE) protocols

Academic Requirements

Applicants must meet the following academic requirements:

  • 2:1 or 1st class level degree in Psychology, recognised by the BPS for GBC
    • Or have a recognised "conversion" degree, conferring GBC, with a 2:1 or 1st class level in both the undergraduate and conversion degree
  • Evidence of competence in research methods by obtaining at least 60% on the undergraduate or conversion research dissertation
    • Or a Master’s or Doctoral level research degree


At the time of applying, applicants must have completed at least one year’s full-time equivalent (FTE) clinically relevant experience, that allows them to both understand the profession of Clinical Psychology and demonstrate that they have been applying psychological principles in a setting that is relevant to the role of a Clinical Psychologist. Examples of this are:

  • Applied psychology placement experience gained during a clinically relevant Master’s, or as part of a four year undergraduate degree is regarded as meeting this criterion
  • Clinical research involving participant contact conducted during an MSc/PhD that is relevant to a clinical population
  • Assistant Psychologist work
  • Post Graduate research involving participant contact that is relevant to a clinical population
  • Psychological therapist work
  • Mental health work 
  • Other work which demonstrates understanding of the profession and the application of psychological principles

References / Statements of suitability

We don’t review references as part of our application form rating process, however, applications must include two satisfactory statements of suitability:

  • One of these must be from the current/most recent line manager
  • The other must be from a suitably qualified person who is able to effectively comment on academic ability and academic potential at a post graduate level

Documents required

Applications must include:

  • A document confirming GBC status (or another form of confirmation e.g. if noted on the academic transcript)
  • An academic transcript for your undergraduate degree
  • And, if your undergraduate degree was not in psychology, an academic transcript for your conversion course, together with evidence of the class received for your first degree

Advice for your application 

We are particularly interested in applicants who can demonstrate:

  • A clear awareness of the role of a Clinical Psychologist and why, in the spectrum of helping professions, this could be the best ‘fit’ for you
  • The capacity to take a reflective, inclusive, and considered position 
  • The willingness to learn, in terms of clinical/academic/research but also about yourself
  • Although we seek to support trainees as much as possible, clinical training is a demanding endeavour, so being able to demonstrate a realistic and resilient approach is a valuable asset 

International applicants

English language ability

NHS funded places

  • For NHS-funded places applicants need to be ordinarily resident in the UK and have Home Fees status.

Self-funded places

Last updated:

22nd July 2024