University of Exeter

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences | School of Psychology

Course code:


Course length:

3 years (full-time)


01392 725762

Administration email:

[email protected]

Social media:


Exeter new logo


For home students, the commissioning body (Health Education England, HEE) has residence requirements that all applicants need to meet to be considered. We require applicants to have home fees status and meet residence requirements based on the NHS Bursary Scheme.

Home students are considered current NHS full-time employees of the health service and have annual leave and other benefits in line with usual NHS entitlements. On entry to the programme all NHS funded students commenced on the first spine point of the Agenda for Change pay scales. Eligible trainees can claim travel and accommodation expenses related to teaching and placements. University fees are paid directly to the University by HEE at Band 6 of the Agenda for Change pay scales. Eligible trainees can claim travel and accommodation expenses related to teaching and placements. University fees are paid directly to the University by HEE. For international self-funded places, applicants must have overseas fees status. For more information, please see our website.

Last updated:

22nd July 2024